

Guideline for first timers to Smart Method Kids

Your decision to enrol your child in a registered centre is important for yourself as well as your child.

It will be the first time for the child to be physically away from the parents. He is in a totally new environment where he will be exposed to new people and acquire new routines and skills. As parents, you opt to share both physical and environment control of the child with a new care giver, beyond the family confines of your home.

Below you will find some guidelines that will help to explain how your child may react to a new environment, allaying some common misconceptions and highlighting the benefits to be derived from Smart Method Kids centre.

How can I prepare my child for child care ?

At least one week prior to starting, talk to your child. Explain how he or she will enjoy the experiences in the new environment mixing and socialising with other children. Emphasise that he or she will meet a lot of new friends and have fun. He or she will be able to play new toys and have a new “auntie” who will take good care of him or her during the day. It is important that your child should have one or two brief visits to SMART METHOD KIDS care centre prior to admission. These visits will help the child to familiarise with the new environment.

For how long must I accompany my child ?

Accompany the child for only a day or two and no longer than a week. Once your child starts playing with other children you should let him or her settle down by themselves. If you prolong your stay, it may interrupt his new routine and adjustment will become more difficult as he or she continue to be dependent on you and always “ on the look out “ for you. You are, however, allowed to visit the centre periodically to assure the child and for you to assess his “new found independence”.

What should I do if my child refuse to attend the centre, or has fears and nightmare about going there ?

Once your child is enrolled at Smart Method Kids Care Centre, you should ensure his attendance regularly. Be calm, patient and direct with him. Reassure him that he will settle down soon to the new place and will make a lot of new friends and have fun with them. If your child continues to be distressed, you should talk to the teacher and principal. Discuss ways to help your child to overcome his fear. However, if he still feels uncomfortable after doing it, you may need to reconsider the child care arrangement ( switch from half day care and vice versa ). As far as possible, avoid changing child care arrangement too frequently as this will be unsettling for your child.

( NB: Most children are just new to the child care environment. During the initial period, parent must not let anxiety deprived the opportunity for the child to adjust to the environment. )

Is it normal for children to cry when they are in a new child care environment ?

It is very normal for children to cry in a new environment. They cry for fear that their parent are not coming back for them. Thus it is important to reassure your child that you will come back for him or her later in the day and that you are able to be there on time. The long term benefit is that your child will be more experienced and better prepared for the next stage of life ie. admission into a primary school.

How will my child behave during his adjustment period ?

Different Children react differently. They will find the new environment exciting and challenging. They will enjoy the fun that they have in school and show off what they have learnt. However some will feel sad for a week or two or even longer. They feel that they do not get enough of attention as they have at home. Others will cry, become angry and throw tantrums or even refuse to eat as a form of “ punishment “ to their parents. The routine to this is to recognise that your child is undergoing a difficult stage and you should encourage him or her to talk about the experience. Be firm and gently reassure your child that he or she will eventually settle down and enjoy himself or herself.

How long does it take for my child to adjust ?

The time frame for adjustment varies with each child. However, a great deal depends on your attitude as a parent. Your child can sense your nervousness or anxiety even though he is an infant. It is advisable to give your child about two weeks to adjust to the centre. If you feel uncomfortable about the length of time it takes to adjust, you should talk to the child care teacher about it..

Will my child be emotionally deprived if I send him/her to Smart Method Kids Care Centre at such a young age ?

Emotional security in a child is built up in the earliest month of life.It is preferably for a child to have the same care-giver throughout the first years. It is not advisable to expose children to different child-care arrangements which may be disruptive and disturb the child emotionally. The building up of emotional security largely depends on the responsive adults including the parents. The child staying put in the same centre can build up additional valuable relationships with other children and care givers which will help her to forge better relationships later in life. This new relationship will also help to enhance and enrich the relationship at home.

Will the anxiety of adjustment affect my child in his later adjustment to school ?

Once your child is settled in the new environment, he or she realises that his stay at the Smart Method Kids Care Centre is only for the day and he will reunite with you later in the evening. The adjustment will be easier for him to adjust later on in primary school.